Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cllr Vince Howard Presents Cheque to Oakham Town Council proceeds from summer ball for extra Christmas Lights

Cllr Vince Howard Presents Cheque to Oakham Town Council proceeds from summer ball for extra Christmas Lights

The other week after speaking to a trader based in Mill Street I asked the council in a email
where are the Christmas lights we own for Mill Street.

Mill Street has had no lights for two years now despite the council spending hundred if not thousands
on new lights one year and then disposing of them and purchasing new ones from Lite Ltd.

For some unknown reason the council decided not to put to provide Mill Street with any lights
This prompted Cllr Vince Howard to organise a ball for extra Christmas lights. I asked in my email
sent to all Councillors why the additional lights had not appeared had the ball not made a profit.

The Chairman Adam Lowe responded by saying In had probably caused Cllr Howard embarrassment
Cllr Howard failed to comment. We found out last night the event did make money and it was shared between the council and a local charity. The total was nearly £600 So I don't think Cllr Howard has
anything to be embarrassed about. Although I do question the delay in presenting the cheque and
the failure of the council to provide any extra Christmas light this year.

Cllr Vince Howard asked the Council to consider purchasing some lights for the Burley Road

The council did purchase a new light screen for the lamp post at that location Lite Ltd
put it up and never switched it on, it has since vanished.

I guess the next to go will be near Nelson's butchers as that is not switched on this year.

The acting clerk took the cheque and jokingly attempted to place the cheque in a shirt pocket for himself, the shirt he was wearing did not have pocket. I hope we do use the money to purchase a new
light next year and the money won't go into the acting Clerks "slush fund" as he described a budget heading of £2000 other expenditure when a Cllr asked what that was.