Saturday, December 24, 2016

PC Joe Lloyd and PC Laurie Appleton Leicestershire Police Crimes Against Music Rutland Radio Sleeps to Santa

PC Joe Lloyd and PC Laurie Appleton Leicestershire Police Crimes Against Music Rutland Radio Sleeps to Santa

Just as we all thought justice was finally being served upon Rob Persani for his crimes against music.
For many years throughout December Rob has tortured the airwaves with Sleeps to Santa.

Unluckily for Rob's listeners he had roped in local officer to commit the same crime.

Lets hope Santa has not been scared off....

Oakham Police Video Tweet of the evidence.

To hear this years final Sleeps to Santa Tune in to Rutland Radio at 8.30 am

www.rutlandradio.co.uk  Please note I am not responsible for anything you might hear.

Happy Christmas Rutland Radio and Leicestershire Police

PC Joe Lloyd is part of the local policing team for Oakham Town and Barleythorpe and PC Laurie Appleton is part of the local policing team for Rutland North.