Monday, December 12, 2016

Rutland Radio Happy 18th Birthday, Old Timer Writes Begging Letter To Santa

Rutland Radio Happy 18th Birthday, Old Timer Writes Begging Letter To Santa

Is it time for another Ice Bucket Challenge? last seen 2015

This week Rutland Radio celebrates 18 years broadcasting to
the people of Rutland and Stamford.

I have only listened for the last 10 and enjoy the many quirks
of my favorourite local radio station.

Of course there is a certain time of the year which I and many
others dread. The lead up to Christmas.

This year the repeated twice daily torture, which blasts from
our radios has prompted on of Rob's Older listeners from burghley
to write to Santa, requesting Santa delivers early gifts to all 2 listeners,
ear defenders. Rob read out the letter which
was written in the form of a poem.

The twice daily torture I am referring to, the best Rutland
Breakfast presenter singing Sleeps to Santa.

The singing is not to bad, it is the dreadful backing track
that becomes my early morning alarm clock. It is the only
alarm that can get me out of bed. I switch it off and make
a cup off coffee and just as if Rob knows many of might
be doing this we are are treated to a live repeat at 8.30am

Last Christmas year Rob took a day off and there was no
escape from Sleeps to Santa, Joseph Begley who can not
sing took to the airwaves never to be repeated?

Joseph Begley (left)

If Rutland Radio were ever to move to DAB, I wonder if there
would be some sort of noise cancelling technology included?

To celebrate 18 great years Rob and the team will be out on the
road tomorrow visiting shops in Stamford, Oakham and Uppingham
and randomly paying for peoples shopping.

Rob I will be in Cavells buying a new wardrobe? what lovely
compensation that would be for year of Christmas torture :-)

I wish all at Rutland Radio a Happy Birthday and a Happy Christmas
and thank's Rob and his team for all the time they give supporting many
community events throughout the year.