Saturday, January 07, 2017

Oakham Town Council PPWG Budget Request 11th January 2017

Oakham Town Council PPWG Budget Request 11th January 2017

I think the acting clerk at Oakham Town Council has published the wrong report
because this is not showing the correct figure requested it should total £10,500
as per the request made at the last meeting and not only £9,500

And the summer band concerts could get boring if we are only booking one band for

I have sent the following to Vince and Sally-Anne

Dear Vince and Sally-Anne 
I was wondering if the office has included the wrong budget proposal in the agenda pack.
At the last meeting you request a sum of over £10,000
Have you been cautious and made cuts? I would not want you to b underfunded.
I note the addition of the Respect Shield Cllr Lucas. this is not a Promotions thing
It could be described as Youth and Community, What is the £250 spent on.
We are never told what this shield is for and why the school wins it I could not 
even tell you who won it last year or why.
I have pointed out a couple of typos to Sally-Anne
The heritage trail leaflet, why? the new Oakham leaflet was meant to incorporate this 
to reduce costs. I think the Oakham leaflet needs revising.
Thank you