Saturday, February 11, 2017

Joanna Burrows Libdem candidate for Exton Ward Rutland County Council Election 9th March 2017

Joanna Burrows Libdem candidate for Exton Ward Rutland County Council Election 9th March 2017

Joanna Mary Burrows
Liberal Democrats
211 Brooke Road
LE15 6HQ

Joanna Burrows has lived and worked in Rutland since 1997 and has raised and
educated three children in Oakham. A keen supporter of local charities she has
worked for Age Concern, Voluntary Action Melton, and
TwentyTwenty, an education charity that supports the most disadvantaged
young people including those in Rutland.

She is passionate about Rutland, and is keen to see the precious and limited local
resources targeted wisely, and without detriment to the schools or recreational
resources for young people, and with better solutions for local policing and fire.
She is concerned that the new housing around our towns adversely affects schools,
facilities and services in the surrounding villages.

Joanna says "I believe that Rutland will be best and most fairly served by a
strong Liberal Democrat presence on Rutland County Council as well as a
local Liberal Democrat MP at Westminster."