Sunday, February 05, 2017

Rutland County Council FOI Request Oakham Town Council Oakham Town Partnership Oakham Town Manager

We have a serious problem at Oakham Town Council where a few members for along time think they
have the authority to do as they please and when caught out they lie and accuse those who have caught them out as lying. 

At the town council currently the most serious issue to resolve is how did we find ourselves with an agreement being made between Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council which saw the appointment of  a town centre manager and know one at Oakham Town Council appears to know how this agreement came about and how we have ended up with an authorised bill from the Town Partnership for £31,293.25

Its time for the remainder of the old guard to go.

To try and find out who entered into the unlawful agreement I have sent the following freedom
of information requests to Rutland County Council.

Rutland County Council FOI Request Oakham Town Council Oakham Town Partnership Oakham Town Manager

Dear Rutland County Council,

Oakham Town Council has received a letter and invoice from Oakham Town Partnership addressed to the Mayor Adam Lowe
dated 27th January 2017.

The letter refers to the Hawksmead agreement made between you and them and the appointment of a Town Centre Manager

In the letter The Chairman of the Town Partnership refers  to meetings held between Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council and The Town Partnership.

As member of Oakham Town Council I was not aware of any these meetings.

I am not aware of any agreement to employ a town centre manager.

It would seem a councillor or councillors have acted unlawfully and attended meetings and made agreements without the lawful authority of the Town Council.

Last year a officer employed by Rutland County Council wrote to Oakham Town Council and stated Cllr Adam Lowe had been involved in meetings
relating to the Hawksmead agreement since 2014. Attending meetings is of course not an offence or a breach of the code of conduct. Acting on behalf of the council with out lawful authority is.

I would be very grateful if you would accept the following freedom of information requests, which will assist me and my contribution towards this Wednesdays Council meeting.

1. Please can Rutland County Council supply the full names of any Oakham Town Councillors who attended meetings with Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Partnership to discuss and agree how the Hawkmeasd £62,586.50 should be spent.

2. Please can Rutland County Council supply the full names of any Oakham Town Councillors who attended meetings with Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Partnership before and upto the employment of the Town Centre Manager in July 2016.

3. Please can Rutland County Council provide me with copies of all agreement documents made between Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council and Oakham Town Partnership for the Hawksmead 106 payment and the appointment of the Town Centre Manager.

4. Please can Rutland County County Council supply copies of all correspondence, emails, letters and notes sent from Rutland County Council to Oakham Town Councillors and staff about the Hawksmead 106 contribution of £62,586.50 and the appointment of a town centre manager.

5. Please can Rutland County County Council supply copies of all correspondence, emails, letters and notes sent to and received by Rutland County Council from Oakham Town Councillors and staff about the Hawksmead 106 contribution of £62,586.50 and the appointment of a town centre manager.

This information is important, to find out which town councillor or councillor may be lawfully responsible for the £31,293.25 invoice received from
the Oakham Town Partnership. Because Oakham Town Council has never approved this expenditure.


Cllr Martin Brookes OSE ward