Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Cllr Adam Lowe Decided Not To Invite Cllr To Oakham Town Councils Annual Civic Event

Cllr Adam Lowe Decided Not To Invite Cllr To Oakham Town Councils Annual Civic Event

Last week Oakham Town Council held its annual Civic Event.

It would appear the Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe decided that the Residents of Oakham
South East, who I represent did not need to be represented at this event.

After I found I had not been invited to the event I questioned the council and the Mayor
sent the following reply.

Martin Brookes Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 4:45 PM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: Re: Mayors Evening

Your comments about me and my family on your blog and in e-mail over the last 9 years, indeed about others as well, coupled with your opinion and disregard you hold for the position I represent 
as the Chairman of the Council, when considering who I would choose to spend an enjoyable evening 
with I chose not to invite you to the event, it is as simple as that.


Adam Lowe

Once again I find my exclusion and the response unacceptable.

Cllr Lowes response is also very inaccurate and is another fine example of how
unprofessional he and the town council are.

Personally I have not known Cllr Adam Lowe for nine years
I have only been blogging for 7 years and not 9 as he states
I have never made any comment about his family.

The Councils civic event is not meant to be for the enjoyment of
the Mayor of course that would be a bonus.
The purpose is to reward and recognise those members of the community
who do charitable work for our community.

There is another council know as Rutland County Council who
it would be fair to say also don't like me but they recognise that
I am a ward Cllr and invite me to civic events in the proper manner.
Only this Saturday I am invited to a event at the castle. They have
not decided to refuse me an invitation because they don't like me
and I will be attending representing my ward residents.

I do wish Cllr Lowe and a few others members of Oakham Town
Council would grow up and stop bullying.