Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Oakham Town Council Expenditure Council Tax 2017 - 2018

Oakham Town Council Expenditure Council Tax 2017 -  2018

As Council tax bills arrive from Rutland County Council residents of Oakham find
Oakham Town Council has increased its demand by 6%

Despite drastically reduced staffing costs and not providing any additional services
for the town.

The council no longer contributes to a dog warden, cttv, or the upkeep of the cemetery

Rather like the Town Partnership it seems to misunderstand its purpose as the
Council of the County Town of Rutland. It appears to think its just an events

Oakham Town Council only funds Band Concerts during the summer months,
Hanging Baskets and Christmas Lights. It pays for litter picking and grass cutting
in three small play areas.

It is also responsible for looking after a few trees.

The Town Council does not follow its own financial regulations and refuses to
obtain quotes, failing to seek value for money for the taxpayers.

Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM calls anyone who challenges this a liar and harasser
and says we don't needs quotes lets just get on with it as her favoured contractor
is awarded thousands.

For the second year in a row taxpayers are being asked to cover lost rental
for the empty old gym in Princess Avenue.
Rent arrears from the previous tenant are still being partially collected.
The council was advised by its solicitor that the former tenant was liable to
pay the full sum due, Cllr Michael Haley and the Assistant Clerk went
against the legal advice and agreed the former tenant has to repay just tiny percentage
of their outstanding debt to the tax payer. They did not even have to pay the
tax payers legal fees.

The page shown at the top of this post state more information can be found
at the town councils website.

You won't find the require budget information published there, in fact you wont
find much of the Town Council requirements are met on this site.

The Town Council has not had a require website for over a year.

The new site is incomplete and some say it is confusing and looks like a
photographic site not a council site. Most clicks if not all will take you
to empty pages or the wrong page.

Know one here in Oakham needs to worry about Oakham Town Council
yearly increases because the Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe said it was only
the cost of a couple of take away coffees on Social Media..
According to Cllr Michael Haley's spread sheet it was actually a few
At the meeting we considered his budget proposals Cllr Haley had included
this in the spread sheet shown on the large screen, until  I asked for
it to be removed from the spread sheet.