Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Rutland County College Barleythorpe to become the KIng Centre subject to planning

Rutland County College Barleythorpe to become the King Centre

Rutland County Council say the centre will be given the name in honour of the former Conservative
leader Terry King who was leader for less than a year.

During his time on the council Terry King oversaw the failure of the small business units
just up the road from the slightly more successful prison site in Ashwell.

The council attempted to hide his smaller costly mistake but the auditors would not let them.

Cllr King did so much good for Rutland he oversaw the millions of pounds lost from
Hawksmead, he was also part of the Tory administration that has ruined Post 16 education
provision here in Oakham.

He is also responsible for the loss of community, sports, school and medical provision
offered by Hawksmead here in Oakham.

In 2011 Rutland County Council had a lot of money nineteen million in investment bank accounts
that was six years ago, it had so much much money back then it was able to lend its Tory friends at Brent Council £2,000,000 I wonder if that was ever paid back.

As a business man Terry Kings company was successfully prosecuted by the HSE twice whilst
he was a Councillor.

Terry King according to Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe decided how Oakham's £65,000 from
Hawksmead should be have been spent by the Oakham Town Partnership.

I appreciate the man is now ill, but personally I found the man offensive and still keep his emails
to prove that and in my opinion it is offensive to name any publicly owned building in his honour.

What happened to Rutland County Council Policy of not using the names of the living. When naming street and buildings?