Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Rutland County Council to Fell Tree outside Oakham Library without consultation

Rutland County Council to Fell Tree outside Oakham Library without consulting residents, the tree warden
or ward Councillors.

From: Andrew Edwards
Sent: 29 March 2017 14:32
To: Lucashackgreen@aol.com
Subject: Removal of Tree - Oakham Library

Dear Joyce Lucas

I refer to the Silver Maple adjacent to Oak Library

I understand that you have been in discussion with my colleagues over the tree.  I can now confirm that we will be removing the tree at a date to be determined.  This is not an action we take likely but it as a result of a Structural Engineers appraisal of the damage that the tree is likely to do in the future.

I apologise for not advising you in advance of our intentions and certainly before the tree was marked for removal. 

Having said that we will be looking to replace the tree with others in the future at locations yet to be determined

Your Sincerely

Andrew EdwardsHead of Property Services
Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758391 f: 01572 758429 m: 0774 888 6267