Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Unite for Europe National march to Parliament March 25th 2017 Park Lane / Hyde Park London

Unite for Europe National march to Parliament March 25th 2017 Park Lane / Hyde Park London


Unite for Europe
National march to Parliament
March 25th 2017 11am
Park Lane / Hyde Park

This Saturday the 25th of March, March for Europe will be taking place in London to protest against the UK leaving Europe and to remind Mrs May and the Brexit government we are not all as keen they are to see us leave. 

Lib Dems from the East Midland and Lib Dems Unite for Europe will be joining up with the East Midlands European Movement Group on the march. 


Unite for Europe never wanted Brexit and this march is about making their voices be heard. The voices of those who believe They say,

1. It’s not okay to ignore us
2. It’s not okay to incite hate and divide communities
3. It is not okay to fail to protect EU nationals who work and pay taxes in the UK
4. It’s not okay for a handful of people to decide the future of many behind closed doors
5. It is not okay to lie and put futures at risk for political gain
6. It’s not okay for the old to decide the future of the young

If Article 50 is triggered we'll do everything we can to limit the damage this government will be causing.


The government has asked for our opinion, and now they’ve closed the doors. This is not okay. 

1. We want our voices to be listened to: an open conversation where the UK’s civil society is consulted and where Parliament or the people have the final say on our future.
2. We want to remain a member of the Single Market.
3. We want to secure the benefits that the EU membership brings us.
4. We want a guarantee that the EU citizens already here will have the right to stay.


Unite for Europe is timed to coincide with the UK Government’s stated intention to trigger Article 50 by the end of March 2017.
March 25th 2017 is the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community.


Everybody. From the 48% who voted against Brexit, to those who were not allowed to vote against it, such as the young and the EU nationals living in the UK;


The march is free, and the more we are the merrier. However, we do appreciate if you could sign up here: www.eventbrite.com/e/unite-for-europe-tickets-31108939676
A head count can help us plan for the day.


Unite for Europe is being organised by a collaboration between several pro-EU groups, representing a broad spectrum across the UK and also expatriates. If you have any questions, suggestions, or if you or your local group would like to get involved, please contact us via:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/uniteforeurope

Email: unite.for.europe@gmail.com

Website: www.uniteforeurope.co.uk

Twitter: @Unite4Europe