Thursday, May 25, 2017

Oakham Town Council Extra Meeting 24th May 2017 Video

Oakham Town Council Extra Meeting 24th May 2017

Internal Audit Oakham Town Council Year Ending 31 March 2017 Not a report Richard Willcocks

Redwood Pryor Ltd Internal Audit Oakham Town Council Year Ending 31 March 2017 Not a report Richard Willcocks

At last nights Oakham Town Council meeting I was ambushed for making comments about the document below attached to the public agenda for the extra meeting to approve the accounts.

By the end of the discussion Cllr Michael Haley said in Hindsight this report which is work
in progress should not have been published with the agenda.
Another example of an incompetent Town Council.

When I made my comments in an email I did so after looking at the document given to me for
consideration. The main title states it is an internal audit Oakham Town Council Year Ending
31st March 2017

Page starts with; This internal audit report.

I have nothing to say sorry for I did not make a mistake any unqualified person would have
read this report and assumed it was an internal audit report.

The main problem at the moment is Cllr Haley and Previously Cllr Adam Lowe as Chairman
instruct the Clerk not to communicate with me and this needs to stop.

Document Published with agenda for 
Oakham Town Council meeting
24th May 2017

'Internal Audit'

I am not sure how Mr Willcocks can say I have 
misunderstood this report and I should have know 
it was a draft report.

Page one above is dated year ending 31st March 2017
and starts BASIS OF REPORT
'This internal audit report is based upon.

I may not be as qualified as the internal Auditor 
Mr Willcocks but I can read!

The page above is a repeat of the 2015 - 2016 

No question about the report were permitted at last nights meeting
I would like to know how an Internal Auditor can write that
the Locum Clerk is self employed and paid after presenting an
invoice and then the office tell me he is not self employed and included
on the payroll, who is correct????

Below is Mr Willcocks the internal auditor 
which was distributed at last nights meeting

Above Mr Wilcocks letter distributed at 
The Town Council meeting.
I think it is very unfortunate that Mr Richard Willcocks 
has reacted in such a public manner.

I  can only imagine his reaction was pushed by
Cllr Michael Haley and the Locum Clerk 
Malcom Plumb both of whom appear to 
gain immense pleasure attacking me for 
doing my job.
The Locum Clerk even had a letter prepared 
as reply to the internal auditors letter, this 
was rejected by the council.

After the meeting I sent the following email to Mr Willcocks

Dear Mr Willcocks,

Thank you for your letter of explanation, which was distributed at this evenings council meeting.

I note that your document was a draft, although not clearly stated when publicly 
issued by the Town Council.

I was told you are a man of considerable professionalism, so I am somewhat surprised
by your reaction to a Councillor simply carrying out their job to the best of their ability
with what had been put before them to consider. I am sure you would have come to the
same conclusions.  if you were presented the same with no explanation.

Durring the meeting other members recognsed the possibility for 'confusion' and the Chairman
Cllr Michael Haley said in highdsite the document should not have been published.

I was not confused the document is very clearly titled Internal Audit.

The full meeting recording will be available on my youtube channel Thursday.


Cllr Martin Brookes OSE Ward