Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Oakham Town Council Fail to comply with the audit act once again

Oakham Town Council Fail to comply with the audit act once again

Dear Oakham Town Council
I have sent the following complaint to the external auditors Grant Thornton as
Oakham Town Council has once again has refused my rights as an elector, rights the
audit act permits and displayed in the councils notice board.
I question what does the council have to hide?
Martin Brookes

13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

Dear Grant Thorton

As an elector who resides in the parish of Oakham I made a written request to exercise my rights afforded
to me by the audit act and also the new extended rights for Journalist and Bloggers.

Oakham Town Council Clerk acknowledged my written request shown below.

They then failed to arrange a time for me to carry out the inspections I have requested.

I can only assume they have something to hide for a second year in a row.

I am also a Town Councillor and would although I am not entitled to any extra
privileges, but I would have thought it would have make it easier for the council to make
furnish my request.


Martin Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

Sent 1st June 2017

Dear Clerk

I am aware the council has posted a notice for electors to inspect the accounts does our date take into consideration
the extension put in place.
Extension of the right to inspect accounting records
Published 11th May 2017  http://www.slcc.co.uk/news-item/extension-of-the-right-to-inspect-accounting-records/1439/
RFOs will be aware that for many years 'persons interested' have had a right to inspect accounting records, including 'all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records', during (now) a statutory inspection period of 30 working days including the first 10 working days in July. The Local Audit (Public Access to Documents) Act 2017, enacted in the dying days of the last Parliament, extends this right to 'any journalist'. 'Journalist' is defined as 'any person who produces for publication journalistic material (whether paid to do so or otherwise)' and so includes (in the Government's opinion) a 'citizen journalist' who blogs without payment. The Act comes into force on 27 June 2017 and so will be in force for the compulsory inspection period of the first ten working days in July 2017.
I wish to arrange a time to inspect the council accounts in full for 2016 - 2017
I wish to inspect all original bank statements (nothing should be redacted)
For all the account the council holds.
I wish to inspect all the council receipts and payments.
I wish to inspect all the councils Cheque Book Stubbs.
I make this request as an elector and I also make this request as 'citizens journalist.


Martin Brookes