Sunday, August 13, 2017

David Price All Saints Church Oakham Bank Holiday Organ Recital Monday 28th August 2017 11.15am

David Price All Saints Church Oakham Bank Holiday Organ Recital Monday 28th August 2017 11.15am

Admission Free

Retiring Collection for Church Funds

Followed by lunch in the church hall £5

organist David Price, former Director of Music at Norwich Catholic Cathedral.

For 24 years David was Director of Music of Taverham Hall Preparatory School, Norwich, and for a period also Master of the Music at the Priory Church of St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth – the largest Parish Church in England!  In 1993 he took early retirement from the chalk face, to devote more time to examining and adjudicating work, and also private teaching.  He has been a Guild Advisor for the Royal School of Church Music since 1974, and in 1996 was appointed Education & Training Officer for the Norfolk & Norwich Area.  In the same year he was invited to become Master of Music at the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Norwich.  An examiner for the Associated Board since 1979, he has undertaken overseas tours in Eire, Cyprus, Hong Kong on numerous occasions, Indonesia twice, Malaysia twice, and Singapore three times whilst examining all the while extensively throughout the UK.  Now recently retired after 36 years on the Practical Panel, he still marks theory papers on line from his retirement home in Thailand!