Sunday, September 10, 2017

Oakham Town Councillors May Walk Out Of Meeting Next Week Due To Mayor Cllr Haley's Bullying and Intimidation

Oakham Town Councillors May Walk Out Of Meeting Next Week Due To Mayor Cllr Haley's Bullying and Intimidation

If enough members do walk out the council will not be able to conduct any business.

Some describe Cllr Michael Haley as dictator and suffering from SMS

His conduct is bring the council to an all time low and probably worse than when
Cllr Alf Dewis resigned as our chairman for unlawful spending of public money.

Dear Allison, (Clerk Oakham Town Council)

Councillors are permitted to make any proposal at a meeting, I fear that Cllr Haley is going to attempt
to obstruct this right as he has done in the past.

So I give notice:

I wish to make a proposal to move the last item on next weeks agenda to the first, (Vote of No
Confidence). I also propose the item is not voted as exempt. I will be proposing other items
listed as exempt are not made exempt.

The transparancy code is very clear regarding what should be exempt, this and co-option should
not be made. Doubt is even mentioned if councils should even exempt contracts as there is
no evidence of any company being effected by so called commercial sensitivity.

Personally I would prefer it if Cllr Haley stepped down as chairman before Wednesdays meeting
there is so much discontent among a large number of members, that there is now even a suggestion
that members walk out of next weeks meeting to prevent council business being conducted.

I provide a copy of one email received, the members name has been removed to prevent
the bullying chairman calling and intimidating this member as he did another.

I will not leave the meeting as I can not be sure enough will do the same and then Cllr Haley
will see his unlawful changes to standing orders passed and we will find ourselves in
a much bigger mess.

regarding standing orders, Cllr Haley is asking members to delegate sole decision making
to himself on one matter. It is unlawful to delegate any council business to a single Cllr.
We can not amend in any way the mandatory standing order Cllr Haley or the Council
are not law makers. Please could you show the proposed changes to NALC and advice
us of their comments at Wednesdays meeting.


Martin Brookes

Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2017 at 10:18 AM

To: "Joyce Lucas" , "Martin Brookes"

Subject: Vote of no confidence

Good morning both.

I have read the agenda papers and it seams a farce to allow the chairman to run the whole meeting then take a vote of no confidence .

This will only prove he is in control and that we are all happy to work with him
I know you both have your differences
But this time I think  you need to work together , I feel you well need to push for the vote to be moved to the first item of business or there well be no point to it.

If he will not allow it to be moved, we could just leave the meeting if enough do go the meeting could be inquorate and so no business can take place.