Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Tangram Theatre company bring Team Viking to Braunston.

Team Viking

Sunday, October 29th

The Tangram Theatre company bring Team Viking to Braunston.

One of the runaway theatre hits of the 2016 Edinburgh Festival, with a 5 star review from The Stage, this one-man theatre show written and performed by James Rowland, is a remarkable, hilarious and heart-lifting story of how one man gave his best friend the Viking send-off he wanted, complete with boats, flames and helmets.

Tickets from Cheryl 07956 308308, or email info@braunstonvillagehall.co.uk
Doors open 7pm. Licensed bar.

Price: £10 adults, £7.50 under 16. Suitable for ages 14+

Braunston & Brooke Village Hall
3 Wood Lane
LE15 8QZ

The event runs from 7:30pm to 9:30pm