Thursday, January 04, 2018

Oakham Town Council Clerk Allison Greaves Refuses to send out Agenda Summons Via Post

The new year is getting of to a good start at Oakham Town Council.

The Clerk is refusing to email me my summons in accordance with my request
I am entitled to make in accordance with the localism act.
Before Christmas the council deleted my email account after Cllr Lucas forwarded
my emails to the clerk.
The Clerk refuses to send me any email and sends me a large envelope once a week
with outdated information.

At our last meeting we voted to stop the clerk spending large sums of money without
council consent, the Clerk and the Chairman Councillor Haley objected to this reversal
of a financial order.

The order does not prevent the clerk paying for things like running costs.

The petty cash was increased to cover the cost of postage stamps after we dumped
the costly franking machine.

This week the Clerk has emailed all members accept me the agenda with the following note:

Please note I am unable to send our hard copies  because at this time l have limited stamps and council has not approved expenditure to cover additional postage in accordance with financial reg 4.1

If the clerk does not email me my summons or post it to me then she is failing in her public duty
by not issuing me the summons.

I personally think the clerk is now taking the P. supported by our bullying chairman
Michael Haley.

When I raised another council matter with another member this week they responded by saying
we have to wait for the chairman to return to being an ordinary councillor before any changes
can be made. This infuriates me because the Chairman is not meant to run the council the good
councillor guide clearly states the chairman has no more powers than any other member of the council accept when it comes to controlling meetings or signing things on our behalf. This does not
seem to apply at Oakham Town Council why?