Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Oliver Hemsley Acting Leader of Rutland County Council Halts Oakham Town Centre Improvements After Resignation of Leader How Lawful is his unilateral decision?

It is disappointing Tony has resigned from Rutland County Council. It is also disappointing he has resigned from the Oakham South East ward which I also represent as a Oakham Town Councillor.

It was very disappointing that Oakham Town Council did not work with Rutland County Council on the planned town centre improvements. Rutland County Council has neglected the town for many years, only patching up pavements now and then. I do hope Rutland County Council will decide improvements to pavements and street furniture can still go ahead.

I read past news reports from not so along where people demanded one way and not pedestrianisation. That project was also shelved I assume also a large cost to tax payers.
Lets hope Rutland County Council has not signed any agreements or contracts after the full cabinet recommended the 2018 project should go ahead.

I would also like to know what legal powers the acting leader has to overturn a lawful decission
made by Rutland County Councils cabinet?

It is my understanding no individual member of any council can issue unilateral instructions.

Many may not have liked the Councils consultation process, which saw the majority of those
consulted agree with the plan and the same applied to the councils cabinet decision. It is called democracy and the decision made by the acting leader is in my opinion a bad day for democracy.
Perhaps the time has come for Rutland County Council to abolish its 6 man cabinet process and
return to letting the full elected council make all decisions,

Some people have compared this to brexit. the vote was close as a remain. I accepted the
democratic outcome.

Can you image the public outcry if the PM said tomorrow we are not leaving the EU?

Councillor Oliver Hemsley as Acting Council Leader of Rutland County Council has confirmed to the Chief Executive that the Oakham Town Centre project is to be removed from the Council’s Forward Plan with immediate effect.

Left to Right Former Leader Tony Mathias, 
Oliver Hemsley, Sir Alan Duncan MP

It has become evident that the project does not have wide enough support within the Community and Councillors are unwilling to bring forward a project without that support. It has therefore been agreed that all work on the project will cease.

“It is imperative that we as a Council continue to review how we can best support and deliver much needed improvements to Oakham Town Centre, for the benefit of all those who live, work and visit there. I am keen to spend 2018 working together with Councillors, businesses and community representatives to review what can be done to achieve the objectives that underpin the Oakham Town Centre improvement scheme. No more physical work will be undertaken by the Council on this project in 2018. This will allow time for the High Street and Town Centre to settle after the completion of the essential utilities work undertaken by Severn Trent and Western Power throughout much of last year. During 2018, I will be discussing with my Cabinet and Officers how best to work towards a scheme for the future. I remain committed to the need to invest in our County town but acknowledge that this endeavour must have wider support and I will work hard to achieve this.”
Acting Leader Councillor Oliver Hemsley