Friday, February 23, 2018

Oakham Town Council Extra Meeting 22nd February 2018 Video

Oakham Town Council Extra Meeting 22nd February 2018 Video

Oakham Town Council has unlawful regarding the recording of public meetings and this week
the second time they have attempted to record meetings it backfired on them.
The Clerk had to stop using the new webcam to comply with our rules.
Although the law states members of the public can be recorded and can not object if they attend
a public council meeting, Oakham Town Council has daft rules mainly to have prevented me from
recording meetings.

I pointed out the clerks breach of our standing orders and she removed the camera.

The Council spent thousands on a CCTV system which does not work.

The Council has failed to comply with the law which requires them to publish at least a audio
recording of all meetings and it should remain on their website for at least 2 years.

I have asked the Council to instruct the clerk to place her camera on the table in the corner of the room and comply with our daft rules. The notice in the corner say the area is designed because some one could not spell designated.

If you watch the recording you will notice how the Chairman Michael Haley permit Cllr Anne Skipworth to waffle on about things not related to the agenda and if I try to help the public have an understanding of our procedure he turns on his defensive bullying manner.

The ongoing permited conduct of Cllr Anne Skipworth is disgusting.

Cllr Nick Woodley Appointed to Rutland County Councils Oakham Task and Finish Group as Oakham Town Councils Representative.

Nick Woodley is one of the Oakham South East Ward Councillors. I believe he will represent the council well and the resident in our ward the rest of the town.

Cllr Anne Skipworth attempted nomination and gave an interesting irrelevant speech, she also raised a concern about the lack of woman on the group. I don't believe it matters if it is a woman or man.
The person should be appointed based on their merit. It made me think should we be demanding
ethnic minorities, LGBT people, disabled etc?

Before the meeting I had asked another female councillor if she wanted to be nominated and she responded she was to busy to commit to the time required.

Cllr Adam Lowe attempted nomination and expressed his passion for the town.

The Chairman used his casting vote which saw Cllr Nick Woodley appointed.