Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Oakham Town and Rutland County Cllr Adam Lowe shouts at Councillors like a mad man at meeting 14th March 2018

Oakham Town and Rutland County Cllr Adam Lowe shouts at Councillors like a mad man
at this evenings Council meeting before walking and the meeting and calling me a loony.

If I am a loony, what word could be used to describe our newly elected County Councillor?

During election week he sent me a inappropriate email, suggesting people were scrutinising me
and saying I am involved in inappropriate conduct of a sexually nature. Via his publicly funded email account.

I did not say to much during the election as I was hoping he would be elected and leave Oakham Town Council.

He tells me God wants him to trust all and behave in a certain way towards other he certainly fails
with that.

Only last week he was making offensive verbal threat over the phone, threatening to punch people in the fucking face. His conduct does worry me!

The biggest joke is he is our rep on Rutland County Councils Conduct Committee.