Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Oakham and Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Plan May 2018

Oakham Neighbourhood Plan May 2018

The steering group met this week.

The steering group is a small group of appointed people.

The steering group is a working group of Oakham Town Council.

The Neighbourhood Plan is meant to be community led.

Currently there is a lack of involvement of members of the community.

There needs to be more involvement from all parts of the community.

Young to Old.

After allegations were made about one of the members steering group relating
to gender discrimination Oakham Town Council voted of a that member and
they later resigned from the Town Council.

The steering group from its minutes has a clear understanding that there is a
need for more community involvement at the meeting it was decided that to
assists in attracting people who may have something to offer to assist with the
production of the plan, meetings would be open to the public.
The finer details of that will be finalised at the next meeting.

The steering group would like more involvement from the younger member of
the community and agreed to start the process of inviting a Rutland Youth Council
member onto the steering group.

Further details of the plan can be found on the website.


If you are female and have walked away from the plan or interested in helping
with its creation please contact the chairman of the group.

Any other resident who may have been turned away in the past please also contact the

The steering group is looking for people with various skills it may be you can not commit
to much, here is a current example of how you can help in a small way.

The steering group as part of the process for creating the plan needs to conduct a walkabout of the
whole of Oakham and Barleythorpe whilst completing the walkabout questions and opinions will be sort from residents.

The Town has been split into different areas and includes the town centre, the steering group is teaming up with the with Rutland County Councils Oakham Town Centre Task and Finish Group
to cover the town centre area.

The walkabout are due to start later this month and into June. If you are interesting in joining please contact the chairman Chris Clark.

t    01572 724916

m  07733 334126

e   cjbclark@btconnect.com