Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Oakham Town Meeting Neighbourhood Plan All Woman Have Given Up Due To Cllr Michael Haley

Oakham Town Meeting Neighbourhood Plan All Woman Have Given Up Due To Cllr Michael Haley

A female resident raised an issue, which I and others had long suspected at this evenings Town Meeting.

A lady said all the woman had left the Neighbourhood plan steering group because of Cllr Michael Haleys conduct.

Thousands of pounds has been wasted on the Neighbour Plan

No grants have been applied for.

As a Council member I don't have clue about what progress has been made Cllr Haley has failed to provide the council with adequate reports.

Cllr Haley has blocked all attempts for the council to appoint a second council representative onto the group, despite the terms of the working group requiring two.

Cllr Haley claims he does not run the show, unfortunately for the residents of Oakham who are paying for this plan, he does.

He was asked at the Town Meeting what his future plans were, I think the questioner was suggesting he should consider his position on the council. I fully support that. Our own female members have recently claimed he is sexist. This is 2018 not the 1970's the is no room in local government for sexism or bullying of the kind that Cllr Michael Haley is guilty of.

Cllr Michael has been in my opinion the worst chairman the town council has ever had and that is worse than Alf Dewis who resigned because he broke the law.