Friday, June 08, 2018

Glasgow City Council chiefs sparked outrage as they accepted £235k Rolls Royce Ghost from mystery donor Tunnock's

Glasgow City Council chiefs sparked outrage as they accepted £235k Rolls Royce Ghost from mystery donor

During my visit to Glasgow An anonymous benefactor gave the local authority for Lord Provost Eva Bolander to be driven to official events in a £235k Rolls Royce Ghost.

Local Scottish News and Papers reported the outrage.

It has been reported to a millionaire businessman admitted he was the mystery benefactor who donated a Rolls-Royce to Glasgow City Council he said he was surprised by the furore it had caused.
Boyd Tunnock, 84, boss of the eponymous confectionery firm that makes Tunnock’s Teacakes and Caramel Wafers, said he wanted the gift of his luxury car to be a “good thing”. He added
"I really wanted this to be a good thing, but I didn't want any credit for it so I asked the city to keep my name quiet, but I'm quite happy for people to know it's me."