Saturday, June 16, 2018

Oakham Town Council Clerk Pork Pie Leicestershire Police


Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 5:41 PM
From: "Martin Brookes"
To: "Martin Brookes" , "Joyce Lucas" , "Peter Ind" , "Adam Lowe"
Cc: "Allison Greaves" , "Anne Skipworth" , "David Romney" , "Nick Woodley" , "Paul Buxton" , "Sally-Anne Wadsworth" , "Jean Denyer" , "Daniel Bottomley"

Subject: Cutts Close

Dear Cllr  Adam Lowe

Many thanks for shouting at me in public this afternoon. I have become accustomed to being the council doormat or punch bag, once again many thanks.
You are correct I waited until after the council had lifted 'sanctions' on Wednesday this was after receiving advice from my Solicitor and friends.
As a former Leicestershire Police Special you must be aware of the serious consequences I was subjected to when the clerk lied to the police.
She lied and accused me of being a stalker, if I had been convicted I could have been sent to prison.

You ask what do I think the Clerk will do when she reads my blog post. The answer is simple if the clerk has any shred of decency she would resign.

You say you are unaware of any formal complaint from me regarding the clerks gross misconduct because you were not chairman at the time 
I sent it to the whole council, perhaps you can ask the clerk for another copy.

Another member sums this up nicely if the boot was on the other foot and you or any other member was subjected to such disgusting conduct 
from the clerk you would not tolerate it.

Since you have become a Rutland County Councillor and the Chairman of Oakham Town Council I abd others have appreciated your new professional
approach and I trust today was just a glitch and you in your role as chairman will ensure the clerks poor conduct is dealt with in an appropriate way 
according to the councils disciplinary procedure.

As for the matter of the Town Partnership and the bouncy castle legal action, I am happy to post a correction stating you did not say bouncy castle
and did not divulge the reason some one is suing the Town Partnership. I hope you can understand the confusion as you raised it at the point 
you said we had to be cautious about our own bouncy castles because some one was suing the Town Partnership for something that happened at
the late night shopping event. 


Cllr Martin Brookes

Oakham Town Council Clerk Pork Pie Leicestershire Police

Pork Pies would be a fine gift for the Clerk

Good news Leicershire Police found all the complaints made
by Oakham Town Councils Clerk  UNFOUNDED
 in plain English she is a liar.

Leicestershire Police Officer said she expects Oakham Town Council
to take some action against the Clerk, as normal Oakham Town just
want to sweep this under the carpet, how many more times do I
have to put up with this harassment?

The clerks contract of employment states
it is gross misconduct to lie about any member of management and
the same applies to the sharing of confidential documents, the Clerk
did both. I made a formal complaint about the Clerk.

The current Chairman Cllr Adam Lowe, Mayor and Rutland County
Councillor. Says he is unaware of any formal complaint from me,
even though I sent it very shortly after the police informed me
they would not be taking any action against me.

In the Clerks police statement she lied and said I stalked her
and she had to change all aspects of her life because of me.
I personally don't think her allegation is any different from if she
had accused me of sexually assaulting her.

A person who lies to the police and wastes so much police
time in my opinion is not fit to hold public office of Clerk.

The Clerk should take note of what Mrs Clifton said at the
recent town meeting. 'The Town Council needs a competent

The only person who has change the way they live their life
because of all the lies Oakham Town Councils Clerk and some
member spread, is me. Remember to ensure my GPS tracker
is turned on because the Clerk is not the only loony at the council
who like to falsely accuse me of stalking. CCTV at my home due to
threat I receive related to the councils comments made about me.
I don't report them to Leicestershire Police anymore even when they
are face to face from drunks in the town because they do nothing.

I would like to thank all those who have supported me through this
difficult time.

I also thank my employer who offered me support after a member of the
public (a former Oakham Town Councillor) posted some very defamatory
comments on the company facebook page.

I am also grateful we have access to modern technology and thanks to it and
my use of it I am able to prove the Clerk is a liar.

This Wednesday Oakham Town Council lifted all sanctions they
had imposed upon me. They would prefer to describe them as
administrative controls. Because it is unlawful for them to impose
sanctions. The former Mayor Mr Haley emailed me the list describing
them as sanctions. That email may prove useful if I decide to proceed to Court.

Some have compared this case with the recent of Ledbury Town Council
there is one big difference. In my case, I can and will prove the Clerk is
a liar, I am currently seeking advice.

For far to many years Oakham Town Council has falsely accused
me of bullying. costly independent reports they chose to ignore state
I am not a bully.
I think Oakham Town Council sunk to its lowest point by supporting the
Clerk with her lies about bullying and stalking. They have spent and
wasted thousands of pounds of public money and the Clerk even had the
cheek to lie in her statement to the police, by saying Oakham Town Council
was not helping her.

If any other member of the council was treated in the way I am. I am sure
Oakham Town Council would have dismissed the Clerk by now.
Oakham Town Council persistently treated me unfairly.

Cllr Adam Lowe told me there would be no apology. Why Not?

His email sent to me the evening before the last council meeting where the council
lifted all the sanctions:

 Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 at 10:53 PM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: Re: Clerk and Case Law

I am unaware of any misconduct, there have been no complaints reported to the Chairman.

My understanding was that you were not making any complaints and indeed you had as I recall chosen not to make any as the Council move toward conciliation.

I consider all the matters from the last year closed as was indicated by yourself and the Clerk, this is what the agenda item is based on, yours and the Clerks willingness to agree to move forward.

See you Wednesday.

Cllr Adam Lowe    Assoc CIPD

conciliation: at our last meeting Cllr Adam Lowe said he did not want to spend money on
conciliation, I agree with that. The Clerk should be sacked for gross misconduct and then
we can all move on.

Some members say the Clerk was forced to do what she did by the former Mayor Cllr Haley
if that is true, it is no excuse the clerk is an adult not a child and all those councillors on the
staffing committee who supported the Clerks lies should follow her out the door.