Sunday, July 15, 2018

World Cup 2018 Oakham Town Partnership and Bills Bar Event Oakham Rutland

World Cup 2018 Oakham Town Partnership and Bills Bar Event Oakham Rutland

A few local people enjoyed a last minute event organised by Oakham Town Partnership
and Bills Bar.

Originally the event was to happen in the castle grounds but due to fears that the castle hall maybe

I had received complaints from residents who felt the new venue so close to a quiet housing
development was not the place for such an event.

There has also been complaints regarding the very late changes to the issuing of the drinks events licence.in the past Rutland County Council has been very strict and not permitted any changes.
It is said this event has set a new precedent. 
Some have said it was granted because the owner of Bills Bar is the son of a former Mayor
I would disagree the owner is not a particular favourite, he has recently applied to be co-opted
onto Oakham Town Council and been rejected twice. I don't support co-option I believe its wrong
for other councillors to decide who can serve our community.
I understand a election has been called for the Oakham South East Ward, perhaps he will stand in that
election and if elected he can help us make the Town Councils events a bit more successful, Sally Anne needs all the help she can get.

Our only police officer was present to see the event passed 

I am pleased the event was enjoyed and passed with no problems.