Wednesday, September 19, 2018

East Midlands In Bloom results announced for Uppingham, Stamford, Oakham and Bourne

East Midlands In Bloom results announced for Uppingham, Stamford, Oakham and Bourne

By some miracle Oakham has been awarded Silver Gilt, Since Cllr Joyce
Lucas and Craig Howat Have been running the show they have failed to
keep up the high standards of past years when we used to get gold.
This year people felt the towns colour scheme was the drabbest ever.
Personally I don't see how Oakham in Bloom can take any credit for
what is displayed in the town, the tax payers through Oakham Town Council
pay thousands each year for the dreadful baskets.

Bourne was also awarded a silver gilt.

Stamford who made a great effort only received Silver, which is worse than
Silver Gilt. Probably a judges mistake.

Uppingham received Gold for a super effort from many sections of the community
Uppingham School received a special award for its support.