Saturday, September 08, 2018

Oakham Town Council failed to comply with European and Local Government Laws when tendering for new footpath

Dear Clerk,

Please can you attach this email to the minutes of next weeks meeting thank you.

Cllr Martin Brookes

Agenda Item 11.  12th September 2018

We are being asked to approve a payment to Martin Cowman Ltd for £68,830.80

I fear some members may be unaware of the serious consequences if this payment is
approved by the council.

I wish to refer members to a previous external audit report, which is available from
the Clerk.

Grant Thorton supported a past objection to a payment made to a firm
of solicitors, A former Mayor Mr Alf Dewis was found to have acted unlawfully,
he spent the money with out following correct procedures put in place to

protect public money.

He repaid the money and resigned from the council.

Grant Thornton said as the money was not a large amount it would not be taking

Oakham Town Council to court, they mentioned the costs the council would have to pay,

being more than the amount spent unlawfully and that would not be in the public interest.

Once again correct procedure has not been followed. Our own financial regulations
state very clearly what should have happened.
Our current Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe did not follow the required European Law or Local Government Act
before the contract to replace the path in Cutts Close was awarded to Martin Cowman Ltd.

I believe that when Grant Thorton look into this case it is highly likely they will
take Oakham Town Council to court for a significant failing of governance.

This is the reason I can not agree to authorise the payment.

I also believe Cllr Adam Lowe is liable for the payment and not the tax payers for

failing to comply with the councils financial regulations, European Law and the

Local Government Act.

I am constantly asking the council to tender for things properly and have often

been attacked via email and in public for doing this.

The worst was when Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM said in a recorded meeting that we

do not need to tender let just get on with it and everyone agreed.

We are spending public money and we should be a lot more cautious when

we spend it.

More recently Former Mayor Michael Haley objected in a meeting to me stating

the office fails to follow the proper tendering procedures.


Cllr Martin Brookes

I hope after reading this post the Mayor, Oakham and Rutland  Cllr Adam Lowe reads our
financial regulation and the local government act and the European Law relating to contracts
before he even considers sending me one of his normal threatening and bullying emails.

As part of the councils financial working group I read them.