Saturday, September 01, 2018

Whissendine Craft & Produce Show St Andrew's Church Main Street Whissendine LE15 7ET

Whissendine Craft & Produce Show

Saturday, September 1st

Whissendine Craft & Produce Show will be held this Saturday at St Andrews Church in the Village. Judging takes place in the morning then the show is open to the public with free entrance from 2.00pm when delicious Tea and Cakes will be available. The Trophies are presented at 4.00pm followed by an auction of produce etc.

Last year we had over 600 exhibits to view so don’t miss the longest runner bean, the prettiest gourd or the ugly vegetables. New this year is the Home Brew section , we had many volunteers to judge this! The skill displayed in the craft sections is remarkable and look for the ‘Make us Laugh’ class in the photography section they have to be seen to be believed.

In addition we have Flowers, Art and Junior sections all together clothing the church in a magnificent blanket of colour, craft and skill festooning the tables high and low.

St Andrew's Church
Main Street
LE15 7ET

The event runs from 2:00pm to 4:00pm