Thursday, November 15, 2018

Catmose College Oakham GCSE Presentation Evening and Prize Giving 2018

Catmose College Oakham GCSE Presentation Evening and Prize Giving 2018

Once again students who attended Catmose College have achieved results which we should all be proud of.

Dr Sarah Furness  Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland was the guest of honour. During her speech
she plugged Army and Police apprenticeships putting the fear of student debt forward as one of the main considerations for avoiding University. She suggested most University students leave with around £40k to £50k of debt.

Dr Sarah Furness Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland

Cllr Sally Anne Wadsworth probably known
by all the students as she is the owner of the 
local school uniform shop

Congratulations to all the students and best wishes for your future.

Thank you to Catmose College for their kind hospitality.