Saturday, November 24, 2018

Poppy Sale Day Oakham Castle Oakham Oakham LE15 6DR

Poppy Sale Day

Saturday, November 24th

The 10,000 poppies that have been part of the Rutland Poppy Project installation in the grounds of Oakham Castle for the past month are being sold on a first come, first served basis. This project has been a whole community effort and we are delighted so many people have got involved and made a poppy.

The poppies are on sale from 10am for a suggested donation of £2. There is also a commemorative booklet detailing the lives of Rutlanders who fought in WW1, along with stories and photos of how the project came together. All monies raised from the sale of the poppies will go to the Royal British Legion.

Oakham Castle
LE15 6DR

The event runs from 10:00am