Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Old Guard at Oakham Town Council Up to their old tricks again

The Old Guard at Oakham Town Council Up to their old tricks again.

Bullying members who are critical of the councils failings.

One of our newest Councillors Joy Clough is now being harassed. Being subjected to
very similar conduct, I have been subjected to over the years.

Cllr Adam Lowe Mayor is a bully.
Cllr Joyce Lucas is also a bully.

Only last week another Cllr told me the council now see Joy Clerk as the new problem
on the council.

She has been critical of the way the council does things or not.

She has been very critical of the draft neighbourhood plan also justified. It is the worse document
I have ever read and it is hard to believe it has cost £20,000 of local tax payers money.

So I guess she is a problem, foolishly they forget Joy has the backing of hundreds of Oakham residents who form the Oakham residents group.

It is time this pointless costly council was closed down.