Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Old Hall Market Overton garden open The Old Hall Main Street, Market Overton Oakham, Rutland LE15 7PL

The Old Hall Market Overton garden open

Sunday, April 28th

Set on a southerly ridge overlooking Catmose Vale; stone walls and yew hedges divide the garden into enclosed areas with herbaceous plants and shrubs; delight in the stunning tulips; explore the woodland areas with gravel and mown paths and plenty of space for children. Home made teas with Hambleton Bakery teas- this is the home of Tim and Stefa Hart of Hambleton Hall and Bakery.

Price: £5

The Old Hall
Main Street, Market Overton
Oakham, Rutland
LE15 7PL

The event runs from 2:00pm to 5:30pm