Sunday, June 09, 2019

Flower Arranging Demonstration Stamford Methodist Church Barn Hill Stamford PE9 2AE

Flower Arranging Demonstration

Monday, June 10th

Monday 10th June
Stamford Flower Club. Barn Hill, Methodist Church, Stamford, PE9 2AE. Doors open 7pm for 7.30 start.

Stamford Flower Club invite you enjoy Barbara Collins creating at least 5 large floral arrangements on the theme 'Summer Gardens'',whilst sharing tips and anecdotes. Large Screen video to enhance detail. All arrangements raffled. Refreshments available . A warm welcome awaits. No need to be a member to attend. Entry £6.

Price: £6

Stamford Methodist Church
Barn Hill

The event runs from 7:30pm to 9:30pm