Friday, June 07, 2019

Oakham Town Council Payments and Receipts not published internal auditor finding

Oakham Town Council Payments and Receipts not published internal auditor finding

2019 1.Bookkeeping
1.5 That the total amount of
expenditure (and income, if
applicable) that is approved for
payment is listed in the minutes

2 (OFI) For audit, control and
transparency purposes, as the
schedule of payments and
receipts approved is not
published on the Council website.

The schedule of payments should be published on the councils website a requirement of
the localism act relating to openness and transparency.

The clerk even though the town pays for a admin assistant seems more and more incapable of
following the basic publication requirements and the internal auditors suggestion the details are minuted helps address this failure.
It is not difficult to publish on a website a list of income and expenditure, mind you if you have
ever visited Oakham Town Councils website you might have notice how difficult the site is to navigate and find information. A costly piece of rubbish comes to mind.