Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ashwell Village Fete Ashwell Grange Whissendine Road Ashwell

Ashwell Village Fete

Sunday, July 21st

Come rain or shine, by kind permission of the Leeming family
Classic cars, garden and plant sale, white elephant stall, tombola
Live demonstrations, dancers from RYDA, Rutland Concert Band, Dads That Dance
Punch & Judy, Children's games, Balloon modelling & Magic show, Face painting, Lego brick pit, Miniature carriage horses
Fun dog show with 12 classes - prizes and rosettes (sponsored by Lifetime Pet Cover)
12 local artisan market and craft stalls
BBQ, Pimms & Juice Bar, Ice Cream Cart, Homemade cakes, Ashwell's famous delicious Cream Teas
Adults £2, children under 16 free
Proceeds to St Mary's Church Ashwell, Ashwell Village Hall and the Rutland Air Ambulance

Price: Adults £2, children under 16 free

Ashwell Grange
Whissendine Road

The event runs from 12:00pm to 5:00pm