Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hertfordshire and Northants Hunt Saboteurs protested at the Cottesmore Hunt meet in Cutts Close, Oakham on Boxing Day Photographs and Video

Hertfordshire and Northants Hunt Saboteurs protested at the Cottesmore Hunt meet in Cutts Close, Oakham on Boxing Day Photographs and Video

The protest was organised by the Hertfordshire Hunt saboteurs, with the support of the Northants group, which believes that foxes are still being hunted illegally.

After the Oakham Christmas late night shopping event three anti-hunt volunteers claimed they were 'harassed and bullied' by 15 members of the Cottesmore Hunt.

The three anti-hunt women attended the town’s Christmas Fair to raise awareness and deliver leaflets over their concerns about the Boxing Day meet.

They say while there they were surrounded by a number of hunt members, adding that they felt 'scared for their safety' as the hunt members 'hurled abuse' and 'tried to physically intimidate them'.

The group followed the saboteurs to the railway station and into a pub - at this point the police were called.

This is the first time protesters have attended Oakham's boxing day meet.

A group of protesters chanted shame on you in the park.

The hunt has been banned from meeting in Uppingham on New Year's Day

If we are going to get a repeat of the same next boxing day I would hope all members of Oakham Town Council attend a meeting and ban the hunt and Rutland County Council do the same.
The numbers attending this year were probably the lowest for years and it is not an event I would would to take my family along too anymore.

The hunt had previously been banned from meeting in Cutts Close by the town council.
This month the council led by Cllr Adam Lowe overturned the previous decision, three Councillors voted for the change.

It was good to see the Eagle was not present and hunt members cleaning the park after the event.

Oakham Boxing Day Hunt, Well that's all over for another year. It was good to see The Cottesmore Hunt Cleaning the park after their event and no tethered bird. I objected to a steward after being described as one to watch and to be kept away from the horses, I reminded the stewards of my right to roam anywhere I wanted to in our park.

I was pleased the event passed peacefully.
I must say as a person watching, I found a small number of people from both sides of the argument for or against the hunt rather childish.
Anti hunt protesters who objected to being photographed whilst photographing pro hunters close up with their mobile phones. Some even photographed me for taking photographs.
A very few pro hunters, surprisingly for me mainly woman were using the most foul language against the anti hunt protesters whilst holding small children in their arms.
One pro hunt woman handed a child she was holding, saying it was not hers to another person, she had to be restrained by that person from attacking a anti hunt protesters. whilst he was holding onto the child.
I am so pleased we only have to put up with this stupid childish conduct here in Oakham once a year.

Cottesmore Hunt Supporter stopped from attacking anti hunt protesters Boxing Day Oakham Rutland