Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Jack Denny misconduct outcome for Leicestershire Special Police Sergeant

Update I have received an update threat from Jack Denny regarding my post copied and posted from Leicestershire Police website. 

As I have no right to alter a Leicestershire Police publication which is still available on their site I have chosen to take the alternative request and publish in full Jack Denny's full email as the update with what he states is correct up to date information.

'alternatively, I request that the articles are updated with correct up to date information.'

Dear Mr Brookes,

This matter is now to be dealt with on the small claims track through County Court proceedings going forward, should a satisfactory resolution not be provided upon your conclusion of consideration of the contents of this letter before action.

Brief Facts of the Case
I request the immediate removal of all articles (published on your blog website, your Facebook page and associated
platforms) regarding myself, Jack Denny, and Police misconduct proceedings/ criminal convictions relating to me or
alternatively, I request that the articles are updated with correct up to date information.

The articles I refer to include;

The information contained is incorrect, inaccurate and misleading, for the reasons I set out which include;

- PC Aiden Weldon of Leicestershire Police whose evidence was relied upon has since been sacked for lying in statements
and was found guilty of gross misconduct.
- Other officers of the Leicestershire Police Professional Standards (those that were involved in my investigation) have
since been sacked or found guilty of misconduct/ gross misconduct.
- Governor Novis has been investigated for gross misconduct and despite a cover up by the MOJ, his post is now being
advertised (HMP Nottingham Governing Governor).
- An ‘abuse of process’ argument was advanced by myself in relation to my case and as a result the Judge issued me with a
Notice of Acquittal and my immediate release from custody was ordered.
- I have the backing of the Criminal Cases Review Commission, Prison Reform Trust and others.
- I have been awarded money back by Recorder William Edis QC, as it was shown I could not have received money I was
accused of receiving because of Fraud, which was originally taken from me during sentencing on 21st October 2019.

As a result of these articles, my right to live a life free of being periodically stigmatised because of your articles online is
being adversely affected. These articles are no longer in the public interest as they are inaccurate and therefore misleading
and have not been updated since publication to make them accurate and up to date. 

Check out my latest blog on prisons:

Check out this audio play that I feature in describing the impact of Covid-19 in prisons:  

Email: | Mobile: 0740########
As such, the articles are not compliant with the special purpose of journalism neither are they compliant with the
Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) Code of Practice.
You will note that all newspaper articles surrounding my case have been removed or are in the process of being removed
as you may recall the extensive media coverage of my case at the time. The above developments in the case have
happened since your publication and the misconduct hearing in question and should I proceed with a civil case against
you, a bundle compiled of evidence relating to the above will be served upon you.
I request the immediate removal of all articles involving me and any articles relating to misconduct proceedings/
convictions in relation to me to be removed, to bring this matter to a conclusion. I am fully willing to take part in ADR (i.e.
mediation), if deemed necessary.
Failure to do so will lead to me exercising my right to commencing legal proceedings, where I will also pursue you for legal
costs (i.e. Counsel, Court fees and my time), psychological harm, loss of earnings as a result of the negative press and for
defamation (libel) – due to the now inaccurate and therefore misleading information still being available online (without
update). I want you to be under no illusions as I have in depth knowledge of claims of this nature and the Civil Procedure
Rules, as well as evidence to back up my claims.
I am doing positive work to reduce reoffending, working with the Prison Reform Trust and as an Advisor to the Ministry of
Justice and HM Prison and Probation Service. I regularly talk on national Prison Radio and have written articles for the
national prison newspaper, Inside Time. I sit on panels and scrutinise prisons and I am also qualified in prison law and
studying a master’s degree in International Human Rights law. I am undertaking pioneering work utilising my lived
experience of prisons and my professional experience as well as academic experience and I urge you to look up my current
work as I work to create prisons that are humane and decent environments that successfully rehabilitate offenders and
reduce reoffending and do not appreciate my rights being breached or this work being adversely affected.
As per paragraph 6(b) of the Practice Direction on pre-action conduct under the Civil Procedure Rules, a response should
be issued between 14 days and three months of receipt, depending on the complexity of the case. I invite a response
within 14 days from the date of this letter, the same date as to which it was served upon you via the above email.
I refer you to the Practice Direction on pre-action conduct under the Civil Procedure Rules, and in particular to paragraphs
13-16 which set out the sanctions the court may impose if you fail to comply with the Practice Direction.
I reserve the right to commence legal proceedings against you without further notice.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Denny M.A. M.Inst.PL
Prison Reform, Prison Policy & Human Rights in Prisons Advocate (incl. civil law action)

Misconduct outcome for Special Police Sergeant Jack Denny

A Special Police Sergeant who was subject to a special case hearing on Tuesday 17 December has been dismissed without notice.

Jack Denny faced allegations that he breached the standards of professional behaviour, namely honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.

Both breaches were proven and Denny was dismissed from the force without notice.

Jack Denny, 22, of Burbage, Leicestershire, has been convicted of two counts of fraud and one count of theft. The fraud charges relate to falsely claiming expenses and overtime from Leicestershire Police between 13 January 2018 and 14 February 2018 and HM Prison Service between 29 January 2017 and 9 February 2018, amounting to thousands of pounds.

The theft charge relates to the theft of police uniform from Leicestershire Police.

Denny has been sentenced to serve a total of two years in prison.

Jack Denny,  at age 16, was a Leicestershire police volunteer, youth commissioner on police and crime and a member of the UK Youth Parliament.

Hinckley student is up for re-election as Youth MP

Special Constable convicted of fraud offences – and given a prison sentence
Main article content

 15:14 21/10/2019

A former special sergeant has been found guilty of a number of offences after a trial at Leicester Crown Court and has been sentenced to two years in prison.

Jack Denny, 22, of Burbage, Leicestershire, has been convicted of two counts of fraud and one count of theft. The fraud charges relate to falsely claiming expenses and overtime from Leicestershire Police between 13 January 2018 and 14 February 2018 and HM Prison Service between 29 January 2017 and 9 February 2018, amounting to thousands of pounds.

The theft charge relates to the theft of police uniform from Leicestershire Police.

Denny has been sentenced to serve a total of two years in prison.

The crimes were uncovered following an internal investigation by the prison service – where Denny was employed – and he was subsequently suspended. This information was passed on to the force because of his role as a special constable and he was suspended from his role with Leicestershire Police too.

During searches of his property, a number of police uniform items were found that were not part of the standard issue special uniform.

Officer in the case, Detective Constable Michael Buckey, said: “Denny thought he would be able to get away with making fraudulent claims for overtime and expenses by adding small amounts on here and there.

“But it’s been discovered and a full investigation has been carried out. It’s cost Denny his role with us and there’s been a full enquiry into his expenses by the HM Prison Service too.

“Offences such as this won’t be tolerated, and any allegations will be fully investigated. Anyone responsible will be brought to justice.”

Whilst checking what articles were online I found this:

Jack Denny

Age: 21
Profession: Police Officer
Exposed: 22-02-2019
Location: Leicestershire