Sunday, January 12, 2020

Rutland Blogger Speaking on Rutland Radio about McDonald's and Rutland

The Rutland Blogger speaking to Rob Persani about the idyllic nature of Rutland living.

She state its easy to travel out to other surrounding towns to enjoy the offerings those other towns have. Yes of course if you drive. If not then your stuck, my example this week I wanted to visit Curve in Leicester and yes I can get to the venue using public transport can I get back after the show no.

For the last couple of weeks I have been forced to listen to people objecting to McDonald's proposal to build on the edge of Oakham. Litter being the big issue. If Car users lie the Rutland Blogger gave up their cars for one day and walked around our town or county I think they would be surprised at the amount of litter that is tainting our town and county.

finally if you don't like McDonald's then don't use it.

I don't think its the end for Rutland

Rutland Water sees a lot of cyclists who deposit a lot of litter along  the grass verges, mainly energy drink pouches should the cyclists be banned?