Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Rutland County Council Special Meeting 27th January 2020 The Local Plan Adjourned. Video

Rutland County Council Special Meeting 27th January 2020 The Local Plan Adjourned

I think for the first time in the history of Rutland County Council meetings Monday evenings meeting was adjourned. Although members of the council had voted to to extend the meeting until 10pm
it was abandoned early. Even though the council had a barrister and solicitor present they were unable to provide legal advice to Councillors in time after Cllr Andrew Brown indicated he wanted to table a motion.

The meeting is to be reconvened in the main Council Chamber at Rutland County Council’s Catmose offices at 7.00pm on Monday 10 February 2020.

Rutland County Councils website states: A Special Full Council Meeting to consider Rutland’s Pre-Submission Local Plan has been adjourned and will be reconvened on Monday 10 February, allowing Councillors more time for discussion.

The meeting was described a comedy, I did not find it funny I did find it farcical and poorly managed.

Rutland County Council careful controls public deputations and managed to lose part of one persons public deputation.

One member of the public gave a deputation in which he raised a concern about his feelings that some councillors did not respect members of the public or pay attention to them. At this point the the camera man for central TV who is making a documentary filmed Councillors who appeared to be doing just that.

Most of the meeting seemed to be taken up with the plans for St George's Barracks, It is a great shame, the local plan is a document relating to the whole of Rutland not just the one site. I do hope Councillors are not missing other important issues within our county.

It is interest other councils neighbourhood plans are often mentioned at Rutland County Councils meeting, I wonder why the failure of Oakham Town Council to produce its own plan is not ever mentioned at these meetings. Over £20,000 of local tax payers money wasted.
Perhaps it is because half of Oakham Town Councils membership now sit on Rutland County Council and inherited the embarrassment created before the May 2019 elections?

Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan 27th January 2020 Part 1

Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan 27th January 2020 Part 2

Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan 27th January 2020 Part 3

Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan 27th January 2020 Part 4

Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan 27th January 2020 Part 5

Clifford Bacon Clipsham Parish Council Clerk 
the last time I photographed him was in 2011 shown 
below, he could not explain how a poster attacking me 
unfairly was in his locked notice board. 

Conservative Councillor Alan Walters 
former Labour and Independent 
(also a Oakham Town Councillor)

Conservative Councillor Edward Baines

Conservative Councillor Ian Razzell
(also a Oakham Town Councillor)

Conservative Councillor Nick Begy

Conservative Councillor William Cross
either pissed or nuts who knows? 
the Tory Jester and target for hunt saboteurs.
It is very puzzling why he was reelected last year,
perhaps the local Conservatives had no other choice?
he used to be funny but when you realise he is meant
to be a county councillor representing people in Rutland, 
its not funny anymore.  

Conservative Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council
Gordon Brown

“Councillors at last night’s meeting spent considerable time hearing from our residents and discussed matters relating to the Pre-Submission Local Plan. With debate taking place right up to the very end of the meeting and possible amendments being put forward, Members voted to adjourn so that discussions could continue on another day. The Special Full Council meeting is to be reconvened on Monday 10 February, allowing Members more time to consider the documents and continue their discussions on what is a very important issue for Rutland – the need to have an up-to-date Local Plan which can guide development in our County.”

Councillor Gordon Brown, Cabinet Member for Planning

Conservative Leader of Rutland County Council Oliver Hemsley