Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why has Rutland County Council Destroyed All the plants on the castle wall that were planted especially for the badgers?

Why has Rutland County Council Destroyed All the plants on the castle wall that were planted especially for the badgers?

Since Rutland County Council destroyed most of the trees along the castle wall inside Cutts Close some people have not been impressed with the look of banks.

There was a large section protected next to skate park due to badgers living in the bank. Rutland County Council planted this area with lots of plants and shrubs that would provide food badgers and wildlife. as the years passed I think four? these plants and shrubs start to look good and added to the scene in Cutts Close not really making up for the loss of trees which the tree warden agreed could be felled from Oakham Town Council property.

This month Rutland County Councillors contractors have destroyed all the plants and shrubs, its a shame I wonder why?

The whole area is now littered with the broken plastic protection sleeves.