Friday, April 03, 2020

Rutland Food Bank Pre-payment Meters British Gas EDF EON N Power Scottish Power SSE

For those on pre-payment meters with companies below, you don't need to worry or stress about gas/electricity if you don't have money to top up or are self-isolating. Phone the relevant company if you have a pre-pay meter, tell them you are self-isolating, and they will send you two weeks' worth of gas/electricity, or if you have a smart meter they will top you up:

British gas: 0333 202 9802
EDF: 0333 200 5100
EON: 0345 303 3040
N POWER: 0800 073 3000
SCOTTISH POWER: 0800 027 0072
SSE: 0345 026 2658

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posts comments articles are prepared or accomplished by Martin Brookes in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in any article are the author's own and do not reflect the views of Tesco Stores Ltd. none of the ideas expressed post are shared, supported, or endorsed in any manner by my employer)