Friday, February 05, 2021

Will Oakham Town Council Give a proper response 2020/1473/MAO | Outline planning application for the construction of up to 62 no. dwellings Braunston Road

Will Oakham Town Council Give a proper response 2020/1473/MAO | Outline planning application for the construction of up to 62 no. dwellings Braunston Road 

Or Once again will the town council proves how pointless they are.

Braunston Parish Council Response has responded.


So far there has been a 140 responses.


There is one is very strange response from, Cllr Adam Lowe, strange because this is the same Cllr who used to attack me for placing my comments on Rutland County Councils planning portal when I was a member of Oakham Town Council, If I did comment he would then often claim I could not comment at Town Council meetings and incorrectly quote predetermination! (Bullying Idiot explains him)
