Thursday, March 11, 2021

Cutts Close Oakham Rutland, Oakham Town Council minutes say they cant enforce dog control in the park, but they decided to waste our money on some more ugly signs.

 Cutts Close Oakham Rutland, Oakham Town Council minutes say they cant enforce dog control in the park, but they decided to waste our money on some more ugly signs. It would be good if they spent some of our money cleaning things and replacing play equipment they remove once it becomes dangerous or broken because they never take any notice of the Wickstead reports and maintain the equipment, The Clerk would say its ok Martin its only marked as amber so we don't need to fix, I am sure they will fix the wonky roundabout  when a child does get their arm stuck under it. Oh silly me they will take it away.

If the new dog signs are metal the local metal thief will take them very soon. Every time the large green ones are replaced the person cuts them to see if they are metal as you can see from one of the images below.