Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Cllr Jeff Dale (Independent) appointed Chairman of Rutland County Council and other changes

Rutland County Councillors have been appointed to a number of important roles and key positions at last nights  Annual Council Meeting. held on Monday 10 May 2021  

Chairman for the current Council year (2021/22) Cllr Jeff Dale (Independent) was elected to serve as the Council’s Chairman. 

Cllr Nick Begy (Conservative) was chosen to continue as Vice-Chair.  

Changes to Cabinet roles

Cllr Ian Razzell joined the Council’s Cabinet as Portfolio Holder for Planning. 

Cllr Alan Walters. Responsibility for Culture 

Cllr Karen Payne’s portfolio expanded to include Governance and Performance.  

Appointments for Councillors to chair individual Scrutiny Committees were also made at Annual Council, as follows:  

Cllr Samantha Harvey (Conservative) – Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee  

Cllr Paul Ainsley (Conservative) – Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee  

Councillor June Fox (Conservative) – Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Committee  


The Council’s Planning and Licensing Committee will be chaired by Cllr Edward Baines (Conservative).