Thursday, June 24, 2021

Terrible Sad News Emma Wolfenden Oakham Rutland Has Died. In January Robert Truscott, 47, of Lowther Close, Langham, Oakham, was charged with attempted murder, Section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm and possession of a bladed article.

Robert Truscott has been charged after two people were assaulted in Oakham on Thursday (21 January).

Robert Truscott, 47, of Lowther Close, Langham, Oakham, has been charged with attempted murder, Section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm and possession of a bladed article.

Charles Wolfenden says

It is in utter disbelief that I must announce the death of my beautiful baby sister Emma Wolfenden , who passed away suddenly this afternoon at home. Words can't cover the loss we are now all feeling. You will always be in our hearts. Please respect that this has been a shock to the family and refrain from questions. Rest Emma, rest sister xxxxx ❤️❤️❤️