Friday, August 06, 2021

Paul Browne Liberal Democrat Candidate For Oakham South Rutland County Council By-Election second leaflet and Disclaimer

Disclaimer for thick people: Various election leaflets are published on my blog for information purposes only. The publication of leaflets should not be seen as my personal support for any candidate affiliated or not to any political party standing for public office. Unless otherwise clearly stated.

I do not support the Conservative or Liberal Democrat in the forthcoming Rutland County Council By-Election.

I hope Cllr Joanna Burrows (Libdem)  finds this disclaimer is satisfactory.

The main reason for sharing the information, is not everyone receives a leaflet. One of the recent leaflets delivered my home found it is self in between two pizza leaflets heading for the grey recycling bin.

This one was delivered by a child, fortunately child labour is not a big issue here in Oakham.