Thursday, September 23, 2021

Kino Cinema, Victoria Hall, Oakham, Rutland, Art and Pottery, Trustee Chat.

Today I had a chat with a Trustee at Victoria Hall Oakham, A trustee who has stretched a 5 year term to just over 20 years.

I am pleased I had the chat.

I am told the ceiling upstairs will not be boxed in. (it appears I was given the wrong information or misunderstood a previous conversation with another person?)

The sprung dance floor will be covered and protected.

None of the listed parts of the building will be harmed.

There will be a community meeting room on the ground floor.

On the subject of the lack of trustees from the Town and County Council they said the councils did not want to appoint anyone.

The trustees have the funds to put the hall back to original state if the cinema fails.

The cinema company will be paying for the electrical work and heating that needs replacing.

This chat with one the trustees has not changed my opinion, the cinema project is not good for the hall. 

A resident told me today the dance club she attends is closing early next year.