Saturday, November 13, 2021

Hambleton Hall’s Christmas Concert

Hambleton Hall’s Christmas Concert

We are delighted to welcome the return of Reverie choir,  a firm fixture in Hambleton’s diary, who we missed last year, this magnificent group of singers unites some of Britain’s very best young professional singing talent, a fantastic and welcome addition to the British choral tradition.  The choir will sing a collection of ancient and modern Christmas music, including a few favourite carols for us the audience to join in with.  

The three course menu and wines will be announced in the Autumn.

Concert starts at 7.00pm 

We are unable to admit guests to the church before 6.30pm when we will serve Glühwein and mince pies.

Tickets :

Concert only £25 (to include mulled wine and mince pies)

Concert and Dinner per person £160

(Dinner – Champagne and canapes, followed by a 3 course dinner, wines and coffee)

Concert, Dinner and Accommodation (bed and breakfast) per couple £620