Sunday, November 28, 2021

Oakham Town Councils Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday 30 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m. Agenda

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6NL 

 01572 723627        



TO:  All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Councils Finance Committee  on Tuesday 30 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m.  

Karen Bell

Karen Bell

Locum Clerk to the Council

24 November 2021


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE:  To receive and approve apologies for absences 

2. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION:  Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda.  The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

3. MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD ON 10 NOVEMBER:  To confirm the accuracy of the minutes           (Attached)

4.  2022-2023 Draft Budget:  To consider the Town Councils draft budgetary requirements as per the attached:

4.1 Draft Precept Budget Report

4.2 Draft Budget Document

4.3 Draft Budget

4.4 Notes to support the Draft Budget Calculations

4.5 2022-2023 Special Projects:  To consider 

5. Date of Next Meeting:  TBC

Note: All meetings of the Parish Council & its committees are open to the press & public

Meeting Documents