Saturday, January 15, 2022

Rutland Kino Cinema signing off. Victoria Hall will not be converted into a cinema.

Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland

If the few trustees, who have been Trustees longer than they are legally permitted, had done their home work, they would have known they had trustee obligations that they are obliged to follow, those obligations are clearly set out in the Halls deeds lodged with the Charity Commission.

And if Rutland Kino had just looked at the Deeds they would have realised they could not taken over the whole of the Victoria Hall. 

This week the Trustees met, (well I say trustees, most of them have not signed a deed of trust)  voted not to let the hall to Rutland Kino.

The good news this week all the business's using Victoria Hall, were also granted new rental agreements.

Other good news John Snell the former Flower and Plant man who traded outside the hall for nearly twenty years has been appointed the hall caretaker.

Personally I would like to see a cinema here in Oakham, perhaps Kino could work with Rutland County Council and improve the poor offering at Rutland County Museum, but reading their statement, I doubt if they would be willing to consider that.

Via their website, Rutland Kino knock Oakham Town Council for not supporting them. This time I support Oakham Town Councils stance, because they knew about the deeds that restrict what the trustees can do with the hall. Also Oakham Town Council has no powers to permit or stop any use of Victoria Hall.

What I don't understand is why Kino who started off wanting the small Baptist chapel, moved onto feeling they could take over a hall about 10 times the size. Especially when you consider Melton's fabulous cinema is struggling, increased its tickets prices so much, even after the government has handed them grants to survive. Perhaps Kino should have considered just renting part of it. 

Rutland Kino have issued what could be considered quite a bitter statement via their website and social media accounts.

I never met the owner of Kino but most people who have in positions she describes 'as the small minority who have power in the town seem determined to hold Oakham back.' have told me they would not want to meet her again. 'Oakham School educated born with a silver spoon in her mouth' 'expects everyone to do as she wants' are just a few of the comments made by those who have met her. So perhaps Oakham has a lucky escape?

Rutland Kino... signing off.


Dear all

It’s with huge sadness that I write this latest update. On Tuesday Jan 11th, the trustees of Victoria Hall voted against giving Rutland Kino the commitment it needed to continue its plan to bring an independent cinema to Victoria Hall.

Andrew and I - the two locals behind this project - are shocked and saddened by this decision and we feel it’s important to give you all a bit more detail.

Rutland Kino had hoped to sign a 25 year lease on 31st December 2021. Sadly, just 10 days before - a major (250k) investor in our project had to pull out. This left us unable to meet the threshold which we had set ourselves to allow us to sign the lease.

At the same time, another investor had expressed an interest in putting significantly more money into the project but we needed more time to formalise this. We therefore asked the trustees for an additional 6 months to do so and to ensure that we had the necessary funds in place for the entire project.

We have been raising funds during an unbelievable tough time but we believed (and still believe) that as we emerge from a yet another difficult winter, we would reach our target. We wouldn’t continue to put our time and money into this project otherwise.

The trust voted against this.

It is bizarre that whilst up and down the country there are councils turning to architects (such as the one we’re working with) or bodies like the BFI and asking them how they can bring a cinema to their high street, we are being denied the opportunity to bring one to Oakham - an opportunity that required no investment or effort from the council at all. And yet, the Town Council voted against our proposal at the planning stage and it seems the Oakham town councillors on the Victoria Hall trust have voted against Rutland Kino.

Many of you might be aware that this is the second time Andrew and I have attempted to bring a cinema to Oakham. The first time, we raised the funds required but were unable to access the building. This time, we needed another six months to successfully reach our target against a backdrop of Covid and uncertainty. We consider raising close to £2m during such a turbulent period is something to be celebrated and as the country returns to normality, we believe we could raise the final amount needed.

There’s a significant cost involved to get a cinema project to this stage - architect fees, QS fees, planning fees - these are funds that Andrew and I have personally invested, we appreciate this is the risk you take when starting up a business but it’s not money we are prepared to spend a third time in Oakham.

We want to thank everyone who took the time to write in favour of our planning application and to those who have championed this idea in the community, we know that the public want a cinema but sadly the small minority who have power in the town seem determined to hold Oakham back.

We wish Oakham High Street the very best of luck in the future.